Homoeopathy can benefit people of any age
Homoeopathy treats the "whole person" which means that two people presenting with the same complaint may receive a different medicine based on their individual symptoms
and emotional response to the illness.
Homoeopathy is affordable
Homoeopathic medicines are made utilising predominately plant, animal & mineral substances in dilution to stimulate the body’s own natural healing response.
Homoeopathy can be used in many situations
As indicated previously, a wide range of both acute and chronic illnesses may benefit from homoeopathic medicine. Acute illnesses commonly prescribed for include: sports injuries, coughs, colds, diarrhoea, hay fever, travel sickness.
Homoeopathy treats the overall health of a person
In-depth investigation is all important when taking a homoeopathic case. As well as asking about your symptoms, a homoeopathic practitioner will be interested in you as an individual and the unique way in which your symptoms affect you.
We promote and support research
The Swiss Government recently published a report supporting complimentary medicine and, in particular homoeopathy, as well as the cost-effectiveness of CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) therapies.
Homoeopathic medicines are natural and gentle
Homoeopathic medicines can be given in the form of liquid, granules, powder or tablets and are designed to stimulate the body's natural healing response. Depending on your individual situation your homoeopathic practitioner will give you more specific directions for taking your medicine(s).
Our practitioners are highly qualified
To access a good homoeopathic practitioner, check that they are registered with the Australian Register of Homoeopaths (ARoH). All AHA Professional members are registered with ARoH and abide by the register's Code of Conduct and Standards of Practice.
Homoeopathy can be used alongside other medicines
Homoeopathic medicines have not been known to produce side effects and can be taken in conjunction with pharmaceutical medications as they are not contraindicated.